
Hi!! Welcome to my Neocities!!! This is my first time ever doing anything like this before. I hope you enjoy the random assortment of shit you'll find here. My name is lee and Im 23 years old. I use he/they pronouns. If you know me in real life, no you don't. I spent a lot of my younger years trying very hard to be normal and now I'm sick of it, it has not been easy trying to relearn being strange.

Anyway, this place will be a mess, I've never coded before so I'm learning as I go. I really want this place to be full of things I like. I'm gonna link my tumblr and my AO3 if anyone is interested in finding me there. .


I'm gonna use this space to tell you about some of this things im interested in, a little hint about what you might see here. I also gonna use this area to tell you about the life im currently living. I'm rewatching Lost , only the second time but this time I'm planning on finishing it. Me and my friends are playing DND together, I've GM'd the last few games, this is the first time in a while I've played in one. I love playing and hosting dnd. I am also writing a campaign in FATE core, its not something I've ever done before so im super nervous. I've kinda based it off of the show Stargate alantis, but none of my frineds like scifi so I dont think anyone will tell :D.

  • ♡ Science Fiction and Fantasy
  • ♡ Nature, special interest in mangroves and wetlands
  • ♡ Aquaiums
  • ♡ Mythology, particularly Greek
  • ♡ DND and other TTRPG's
  • ♡ Znation
  • ♡ Fallout
  • ♡ Rusty Lake (escape room games)